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Sam Carter

owner of El Vardo Tattoo Studio

about SAM

"Make sure you take the time to find the right person for you, not just art style, but personality, safety, vibe. It’s all important."

What was your journey as a tattoo artist??

I got my first tattoo when I was around 15, with my parents’ consent.  I had always been interested in tattoos from a very young age. I went into Powerhouse Tattoo Studio to get it done by Steve Nesbit. I had drawn my own tattoo at the time and after my session I took some artwork into the studio and managed to talk my way into getting a job there, it began with me running the counter, and drawing flash, cleaning etc. I feel very privileged that I got to start at a very young age, straight from school into a tattoo studio. I just worked hard and drew and drew and talked to people about designs and art and learnt the ins and outs of a tattoo studio without actually tattooing. I left the studio counter job to attend the ‘school of fine arts’ which after a very short time realised was not for me. So found myself back at Powerhouse begging for my job back. Steve kindly gave it back and taught me the art of tattooing instead of running the counter. Steve and my other previous boss John Roberts opened the door to the world of tattooing, and I will forever be grateful to them both. 

What's your tattoo studio's vibe?

Rustic and homely. I love being out in the middle of nowhere off the beaten trail. I worked hard in city street shops; I’ve done my time there and now being able to run a quiet space where I can have one on one quality time tattooing with no interruptions is amazing. It works well for my clients, and the kind of tattooing I do. Getting tattooed is about the overall experience for me. 

What is your tattoo style and inspiration?

A lot of it comes from a floral pattern-based art and organic subject matter like foliage or animals, plants etc, I base most of my work off textile patterns which I think stems from my mum who for my whole life has worked with fabrics. So, I've been around the most beautiful fabric my entire life, lace, vintage embroidery, stitching, panels, and patterns which definitely inspires me.

What are your favourite pieces to tattoo on people?

Anything large scale at this point, and ongoing work like body suits. Anything in my style of drawing really, I’m blessed to have wonderful clients who trust me. 

What happens in your spare time?

You’ll find me either drawing, doing crafts or spending time with friends and family. My mum always taught me to have something to show for your day, which has moulded me into a busy body with restless hands and far too big of an imagination.

Advice for a tattoo first timer?

Stay true to yourself, if you have an idea research artists who can create such work for you, and don’t be afraid to keep it to yourself, this world will always like to have an opinion on what you do and your choices, but at the end of the day you live with your tattoo, no one else. Make sure you take the time to find the right person for you, not just art style, but personality, safety, vibe. It’s all important.

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